Balanced and Imbalanced diet

Balanced and Imbalanced diet

Amount of nutrients taken in a diet

There are two types of diet. It can be either balanced or imbalanced. Balanced diet means that eating variety of food in a balanced proportion. On the other hand, Imbalanced diet means taking less variety of food and also in some cases not taking all nutrients.

The chart shows how much nutrients we should take in our daily lives

Water 60%

Fibre 2%

Carbohydrates 15%

Protein 10%

Fats 5%

Minerals and Vitamins 7%

If a person ever takes an imbalanced diet he can suffer from malnutrition, Famine and also maybe become a prey of deficiency diseases. The table below shows all deficiency diseases

  • lack of protein : Kwashiorkor
  • Lack of Carbohydrates : Fatigue and weakness
  • Lack of Iron : Aanemia
  • Lack of Vitamin D and Calcium : Rickets
  • Lack of Vitamin C : scurvy
  • Lack of Vitamin A : blindness

Types of Malnutrition

There are two types of Malnutrition. One starvation which can lead to deficiency diseases and people get thinner and thinner. The other one is Obesity. Obesity is caused when a person just eats and does not consume his energy that’s why our body converts the energy into fats and makes us look fatty.

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