Evolution of printing

Evolution of printing

Printing is a thing which started before the renaissance period where people had to write books by hand of use blocks.

Printing before the renaissance period

Before Renaissance (before 14 century) people had to write books by hand. It was although very hard to write because the book written were not picture perfect. They had errors in them such as ink spills, writing errors and grammatical errors. Then they came up with another way to use block printing. In this method they have to carve a block and dip it in ink and then stamp it onto pages of books. It was very time consuming and it took days to print a book

Printing is Renaissance time period (1450 – 1700)

Printing in renaissance period was made a little easy by invention of printing press by Johannes Gutenburg. He made movable type set in which block of letter have to be rearrange dipped in ink and then stamped onto pages of paper. This way more than 50,000 books were printed in Europe in 50 years.

This way people were much happier and the books were cheaper and more reliable.

Printing in Modern world time period

As time evolve printers came into being. They are expensive but are very reliable. A file must be made on computer then, by using short cut key (Ctrl + P) there will be a window. There are several options. Collated, both sided printing, sets etc.

Abdur Rehman Siddiqui

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