Evolution of Transport

Evolution of Transport

Early transport

Before all cars and bikes and buses people use to walk if they had to go to near places. They used bicycles to go to far places. This way even the aged people were also fit and healthy. They also used animals to go from one place to another. They did not use any car or bike also they did not use public transport. At that time there was only one car in a neighborhood.

Early advanced transport

Then public transport like buses and coaches started ton develop. Walking and cycling was reduced. Some only relied on buses and coaches while others walked and cycled and Rode on animals. This last 30 – 40 years until…

Modern transport

Th modern transport changed the whole world. People used the cars and bikes and rikshaws to travel from one place to another. This turn of event caused pollution in the cities. Made the people live in their comfort zone and cause major pollution. The example is In Lahore (Pakistan) the school were closed due to high pollution which people stop by using technique of artificial rain where they threw silver iodide into the clouds to encourage the clouds to precipitate.

How can we stop the pollution in cities

The best way to stop pollution is to walk to near places instead of taking a car or use a bicycle. We can also use public transport to reduce pollution. This little contribution made by you can save the world.

Abdur Rehman Siddiqui

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