My project of water monitoring Part II

Week 2

In this week we would have to think about what to bring. Actually, we would have to bring the research findings to the assigned teacher. In those findings we would have to write about the components and the procedure. Also why are we making this project. My team did a very great job in getting all the components which I am going to share with you.

So, you see my group got all this stuff and we are going to make our project. Sadly, we came to know that the ESP_32 board failed at the last moment. So, we went to Sir Syed University and went to the neighboring markets where we got arduino for just about 900 Rs. We also need a cable and power supply like a battery or anything after we code to check the results. Please keep updated on my next video where I will be giving a

Abdur Rehman Siddiqui

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